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Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance Quote

Your car isn’t just any car, it is your companion in success, joy rides, emergencies, and more. Auto Insurance is a must to keep your car secure so that your joy rides don’t turn sour due to any financial liabilities.

At Exceed Insurance, we help you find the most-suited Insurance plans keeping in mind your requirements and the state laws.

What is Auto Insurance?

This Insurance offers car insurance to car owners, drivers, and passengers financial security from damages caused to property or people during accidents.

It is a legal contract between the insured and insurer to provide coverage against listed risks. It is mandatory insurance required across the country, with each state having different minimum liability limits and insurance laws.

Types of Auto Insurance

Full Coverage Insurance

Protects you from comprehensive, collision, and liability claims. These types of policies have coverage for both you and the other party involved in an accident.

Liability Coverage Insurance

Protects you only from liability claims leaving no property coverage for your own vehicle. Most likely to be applied to older cars with low property value.

Liability & Comprehensive Coverage Insurance

Covers liability claims and comprehensive property damage for your auto in situations like theft, vandalism, animal attack, etc. These types of policies have no property coverage for your auto during a collision.

Non-owners Auto Insurance

Covers liability for drivers that don’t own a car but drive borrowed or rented cars.

Additional Coverages

Gap Insurance

Helps cover the amount owed on a car loan after total damage to car property or theft.

Personal Injury Protection Insurance

Protects you financially for medical expenses or loss of income resulted from an accident.

Tow & Labor Insurance

Covers the towing and labor cost associated with it.

Car Insurance Umbrella
FAQs About Insurance

What does auto insurance cover?

It covers you, your car, and all other people or things involved in an accident.

Is auto insurance mandatory?

Yes, auto insurance is compulsory in every state across the U.S. However, every state has different laws. So make sure you have the right insurance as per your state.

Are there any discounts on plans?

Your agent will offer you multiple policy options keeping in mind what works best for you, coverage-wise, and cost-wise.

Will my taxes include auto insurance?

In some situations, auto insurance may be considered as a deductible in your taxes. Get a clear idea about this from our insurance experts.

Does credit score have anything to do with my premium?

Yes, if your credit score is low you will probably pay a higher premium.

Why choose Exceed Insurance Agency for Auto Insurance?

Our extensive knowledge and 20+ years of experience in the insurance industry helps us to assist you with the best plans in the market.
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